eLTER (Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research) produces a regular newsletter, the latest issue of which is now available. You can find it on their website along with a form for subscribing to the mailing list if you wish to receive it directly.
The newsletter helps keep you informed of developments in the sphere of European LTER, including the development of the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER RI), which is being progressed via two EU-funded projects, eLTER PLUS and eLTER PPP. The eLTER RI is expected to become fully operational in 2026. The newsletter also describes selected eLTER-related research and lists relevant events and other opportunities.
Visit the eLTER website to find out more about their newsletter, how to subscribe and how to view past issues. The website also explains more about the development of the eLTER Research Infrastructure.
The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, which coordinates ECN, is involved in eLTER as a partner in the eLTER PLUS and PPP projects.