Library ● Research that matters ● 20 years of ECN data special issue ● Site publications

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An extensive body of published work

Publications library
ECN Publications Library
We provide an extensive library of publications that use ECN data and/or ECN sites. Some relevant publications by authors connected with ECN are also included. Search the library by author, title, journal, etc. or browse by year of publication. In many cases, online access to the actual publication is provided. The library is managed using Zotero.
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Special Issue marking 20 years of detailed environmental monitoring by ECN
'Assessing ecosystem resilience through Long Term Ecosystem Research: observations from the first twenty years of the UK Environmental Change Network' was a Special Issue of the journal Ecological Indicators published in 2016 and showcasing a range of research using ECN data and sites.

Why our research matters
ECN News
From 1992 to 2006, we produced a newsletter, ECN News. Back issues are available upon request. We now issue short news bulletins via email.
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ECN site-related reports
Site-specific reports and other publications by site managers and other staff associated with sites in the ECN network.