[This page was last updated on 22nd August 2024. Changes made: We have not changed our privacy policy or practices regarding handling personal data, but we have (1) made some small, non-material changes to the wording of the additional information section 1 'Our subscription news service', to make it clearer; and (2) made some small, non-material changes to the additional information, section 2 'When your details are added to the ECN site managers' mailing list', primarily adding a link to the ECN staff pages.]

The Environmental Change Network (ECN) is coordinated by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH). This website is operated by UKCEH and the UKCEH privacy notice tells you what to expect when your personal information is collected. To understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will process, please read this privacy notice.

Our website is https://www.ecn.ac.uk. By visiting this website you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in the UKCEH privacy notice. The following additional information may also be applicable.

Additional information

1. Our subscription news service

This website carries a link to the sign-up form for our e-news service, to which you may optionally subscribe. This service is provided as a way to inform people by email about ECN and related activities. In order for us to provide this service to you, you must subscribe. When doing so, the minimum information we collect is your email.

Detailed privacy information relating to signing up to the e-news mailing list is provided on the sign-up form; plese read this carefully before signing up. The lawful basis by which we collect information from subscribers is consent.

You will be advised as to how you can withdraw your consent both at the time you subscribe and later, when you receive a bulk email via the mailing list. You may also contact us at any time to request removal from the mailing list.

Mailchimp (based in the USA) is currently the data processor for our e-news mailing list. Mailchimp is certified by the EU-US Privacy Shield. You can view Mailchimp’s privacy information at their website.

2. When your details are added to the ECN site managers' mailing list

This purpose only applies to ECN staff (defined as site managers and other key individuals involved in the operation of ECN).

We maintain a small mailing list for ECN site managers and related individuals for the purposes of providing an efficient system for site managers and the ECN Central Coordination Unit to contact each other. See the 'For ECN staff' section for details of how to join the list. When we add you to this mailing list, which uses Microsoft Outlook, we will store only your name and email address, You can unsubscribe from the list or change the stored details at any time by contacting the ECN CCU. The lawful basis by which this information is collected and used is legitimate interest.

2. Making a complaint

Initially, please raise your concern with the ECN team at UKCEH via our contact form) or telephone (+44 (0)1524 595800 and ask for the Environmental Change Network). Any continuing concerns you may have can be raised with the UKCEH Data Protection Officer, Quentin Tucker.


You may encounter some of these terms if you read more about cookies.

Browser: Used to locate and display web pages via a software application.

Cookie: Message given to a web browser by a web server. The message is then stored by the browser at a location on the user's hard disc. Each time the browser requests a page from the server, this message is sent back.

Cookies are often used to identify users and personalise their visit by customising web pages for them for example by welcoming them by name next time they visit the same site. A site using cookies will usually invite you to provide personal information such as your name, e-mail address and interests.

IP (Internet Protocol): All networks connected to the internet speak IP, the technical standard which allows data to be transmitted between two devices. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is responsible for making sure messages get from one host to another and that the messages are understood.

IP address: If you are connected to the Internet you have one, for example it may look something like this:

Web Server: Delivers (serves up) web pages to your computer.

Active Server Pages: Dynamic (interactive) web pages which include web feedback forms, login pages and pages which connect to a database.

Session State: A way of remembering you between active server pages.