Stack of documents

We provide an extensive library of publications that use ECN data and/or ECN sites. Some relevant publications by authors connected with ECN are also included.  Search the library by author, title, journal, etc. or browse by year of publication. In many cases, online access to the actual publication is provided. The library is managed using Zotero.

ECN Zotero publications library [opens in a new tab/window]

How to use the library

  1. Use the navigation panel on the left to either view the entire collection ('UKECN') or drill down by decade and year
  2. Alternatively, use the search box in the top right of the screen
  3. Select a record to view its details
  4. If a record has a link (indicated with a symbol), double-clicking will open that link in a new tab/window
  5. Use the column selector button (top right of the main list area) to change the columns that are displayed
  6. Click on a column heading to sort the list by that column, and click again to reverse the sort order.

Spotted something wrong or missing? If you find any errors in the publications library, or you know of an ECN-related publication that is missing, please let us know.

As well as exploring our publications library, you can also access over two decades of detailed environmental data (1993-2015) plus other site-specific datasets.

Our library in numbers


Publications listed


Years covered


Year of earliest entry

We are exploring the potential for developing a publications library that is fully integrated into our website. In the meantime, our Zotero library is a replacement for our previous Publications Catalogue, which we are unfortunately no longer able to maintain, and which will be taken offline soon.