These site-specific reports and other publications have been produced by site managers and other staff associated with sites in the ECN network. Most aim to summarise long-term monitoring and research at the site (including ECN monitoring and related research). We are grateful to everyone involved in producing these informative publications.
- The first 20 years of the ECN at North Wyke, Devon
This report highlights key changes in climate, pollution and biodiversity during the first 20 years of monitoring at Rothamsted Research's ECN North Wyke site near Okehampton, Devon.
Ref: Beaumont, D. (2016). The UK Environmental Change Network. North Wyke: The first 20 years (1993-2012). 41 pp. Lawes Agricultural Trust Co. Ltd. ISBN 978 0 9564424 2 0.
- The UK Environmental Change Network, Rothamsted. Physical and Atmospheric Measurements: The First 20 years
This booklet gives a brief overview of the physical and chemical measurements that are routinely measured at Rothamsted, as part of the Long-term Experiments National Capability (LTE-NC) and the United Kingdom Environmental Change Network (ECN).
Ref: Scott, T., Macdonald, A and Goulding, K. (2014). The UK Environmental Change Network, Rothamsted. Physical and Atmospheric Measurements: The First 20 years. 32 pp. Lawes Agricultural Trust. ISBN 978 0 9564424 1 3
- Loch Leven: 40 years of scientific research
Special issue dedicated to research and monitoring at Loch Leven in Scotland
Ref: May, L. and Spears, B.M. (eds.) (2012). Loch Leven: 40 years of scientific research - Understanding the links between pollution, climate change and ecological response. Hydrobiologia, 681(1), 1-130
- 15 years of monitoring on Yr Wyddfa/Snowdon
Highlights results from monitoring and research undertaken over the first 15 years at the Environmental Change Network site on Snowdon
Ref: Lloyd, D.S., Turner, A.J., Skates, J. Easter, J. and Bowmaker, V. (2011). Yr Wyddfa Snowdon Environmental Change Network: 15 years of monitoring on Yr Wyddfa/ Snowdon. Countryside Council for Wales, Bangor
- Moor House Memories - a Social History of a Nature Reserve
A collection of memories and anecdotes from people involved with Moor House National Nature Reserve compiled by John Adamson
Ref: Adamson, J. (2009). Moor House Memories - a Social History of a Nature Reserve. Unpublished.
- The Environmental Change Network at Alice Holt Research Forest
This Research Note reviews data collected at the Alice Holt site over 14 years of operation from 1992–2006
Benham, S. (2008). The Environmental Change Network at Alice Holt Research Forest. Forest Research Research Note