Codes: V - VA - VB - VC - VF - VH - VP - VW
Site types that use this protocol: Terrestrial
Semi-natural and managed vegetation is often very sensitive to the main drivers of environmental change, i.e. climate, pollutants and land use practices.
The vegetation protocol is sub-divided as follows:
Baseline Survey
Code: VB
Whole site survey with up to 500 systematic 2m x 2m plots. Species presence related to the National Vegetation Classification (NVC).
Coarse-grain sampling
Code: VC (in woodlands: VW)
50 random 2m x 2m grid plots surveyed every nine years. Species presence recorded in each of the 25 40cm x 40cm cells of the plot. Where plots fall in woodland (protocol VW), seedlings, DBH, height and dominance are recorded within a surrounding 10m x 10m plot.
Fine-grain sampling
Code: VF
At least two 10m x 10m plots randomly selected within each NVC type surveyed every three years. Species presence recorded in 40cm x 40cm cells.
In addition: linear features (VH), permanent grass (VP) and cereals (VA)
The details of these elements of the protocol are explained in the Vegetation (V) protocol document.
View V protocol [PDF]