ECN site code: T05
ECN monitoring by: Rothamsted Research, North Wyke
COSMOS UK COSMOS-UK soil moisture monitoring
Ecological Continuity Trust Ecological Continuity Trust experiment(s)
Min. altitude: 120 m
Max. altitude: 180 m
Area of site:  250 ha

A lowland grassland site typical of conditions in wetter, western Britain, with predominately impermeable clays of the Culm Measures.  Current research at North Wyke is helping to address some of agriculture’s most pressing challenges, for example mitigating and adapting to climate change, protecting natural resources and sustaining the rural economy in grassland dominated regions.

Rothamsted Research have developed a dedicated ECN web page for Rothamsted and North Wyke with free downloadable booklets highlighting results from the first 20 years of ECN operations at the sites.


North Wyke locator map

Site boundary and location map


Ms Deb Beaumont

Rothamsted Research
North Wyke, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2SB