
The ECN Data Centre manages data on behalf of ECN and other related UK integrated environmental monitoring networks, and provides a robust and integrated system of information management. These are the key points made in the 2016 special issue paper.
  • In order to support a wide range of research into environmental change, it is essential that data are collected, processed, stored and distributed in a systematic and fully traceable manner.
  • The ECN has pioneered the development of an informatics approach to handling and integrating a diverse array of environmental time-series data.
  • The ECN Data Centre manages data on behalf of ECN and other related UK integrated environmental monitoring networks, and provides a robust and integrated system of information management.
  • Data are captured through standardised protocols and data entry systems as well more recent approaches such as wireless sensors. These data are then managed centrally in a database and GIS. Quality control is built in at all levels of the system.
  • ECN Data are then made accessible through both bespoke web interfaces and third-party data portals.


Reference: Rennie, S. (2016). Providing information on environmental change: Data management, discovery and access in the UK Environmental Change Network Data Centre. Ecological Indicators68, 13-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.01.060.